Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ambatchdotcom Seocontest finising

At the 20th the Ambatchdotcom Seocontest is finishing, as we know...

To bad for us, but we're not going to win... We started a month to late, and stopped a 2 months to early ;) We haven't done anything to our ambatchdotcom seocontest entry since the end of august.

Right now it look like the other blogger.com weblog is going to win the 4.000 USD, the first price for this Ambatchdotcom Seocontest. I don't know who's gonna fill the 2th and 3th place, because they're dancing now and then.

Well, it was nice to join the contest, and too bad that we're not going to win, but right now it still is a top-10 ranking and that's also ok!

Or perhaps Google is going to scramble all results and we will be on top for the ambatchdotcom seocontest, but I don't think so ;)